Investment Philosophy
Turn thematic ideas into investable solutions.
Strategas utilizes a “first principles” approach to macro analysis, believing that the best investment research leads to timely and actionable conclusions.
The Firm’s Research Principles ensure our analysts are focused on presenting rigorous investment conclusions in a clear and concise manner.
Strategas’ research team is comprised of fifteen analysts, with a senior analyst heading each one of the group’s macro verticals.
The Firm utilizes multi-factor quantitative scoring to build dynamic baskets that enhance the utility of the Research team’s actionable tactical and thematic conclusions. These “stock baskets” can be segmented into three broad categories:
These baskets are not one-directional wagers, rather they are designed to provide a more timely measurement of macro and fundamental conditions. Example: Strategas Bellwether Index.
Event Driven
Baskets designed to trade the consensus and variant perception beneficiaries of single-catalyst, often binary, outcomes. Example: Strategas Democratic Sweep and Republican Sweep Portfolios.
Long duration, often multi-cycle, investment hypotheses, maintained as “live money” equity portfolios. Examples: Strategas Policy Opportunities and Strategas New Sovereigns strategies
Portfolio Construction & Management
Once identified using the range of Strategas’ research disciplines, the Firm’s thematic portfolio concepts are driven by proprietary quantitative models to remove emotional bias from portfolio construction.
Within the thematic framework, the decision to include a security, remove it from consideration, or remove it from the portfolio, is dependent on both the absolute and relative result of dynamic scoring.
The Firm’s portfolio managers and analysts, continuously monitor economic, market, fundamental, and policy conditions to determine if the integrity of the underlying theme remains intact, has changed, or is no longer positioned to generate alpha.
Investing With Strategas
Strategas Asset Management advises client portfolios and distributes its products through three principal channels.
In addition, bespoke variations of the Firm’s tactical and thematic strategies are offered for managed accounts.
Tailored exposure to Strategas’ strategies are also available through structured products, from Strategas Securities’ Capital Markets Group.
Financial Advisor Platform Partners
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